Jan 3, 2014


Picking up where I left off, It was November and I had just finished my second show of the year. I was ready to be done.  Believe it or not, I had actually been "dieting", or in a caloric deficit, for NINE out of the eleven months going into November.  More than eager to experience calories, I had eaten my way into "offseason" shape in about 2 weeks.  I was at work chewing on some pop tarts when Dan called me and told me he might have something big lined up.  He didn't say much but he said it involved Vitamin Shoppe.  About a week later, I was deep into eating a whole box of cereal when Dan texted me again and said he needed a morning pic for the editor.  I woke up the next day and managed to scrap up this miracle: (Strong hair/10)

On the 7th of November, Dan said he thought I was in, but would confirm later.  The next day he said it was on, and that I basically had two weeks.  I still didn't' have much of an idea WHAT we were shooting.  He also managed to casually slip in that I would be shooting with Jen Jewell….

Lets rewind all the way back to when I was in 5th grade, and had dreams of playing in the NBA.  Every day I looked at posters and pictures of Michael Jordan.  Growing up, my biggest dream was to play a game of horse with MJ.  Call me lil bow-wow because I wanted to be 'Like Mike'.  What basketball obsessed 10 year old boy didn't?  As you can imagine, that dream didn't necessarily pan out (I'm 5'7" on a good day).  When I got into fitness, on top of being my biggest crush, JJ was my MJ.  Her story completely changed the way I looked at fitness and life.  Without having real goals in the beginning of my journey, I used Jen and her story to live vicariously in an industry I desperately wanted to be a part of.  I was definitely a Jen Jewell fanboy and probably follow her on more social media platforms than she even knows she has.  To put things into perspective, I remember taking a screen-shot after she followed me on twitter.  Call me stage-5 but I was PUMPED!!

As I was getting more into 'working out', Jen was building a big name for herself in the fitness industry.  I was excited to attend the Arnold expo in early 2013 and meet her! My affiliate manager introduced me to Jen and we talked for a while before she had to get back to meeting thousands of her fans! My first impression of Jen still sticks with me today.  I'll probably never forget that in the 15 minutes we talked, she never said a single word about herself.  She even remembered I had an upcoming show that I was training for.  Simply put, I was star struck!  I didn't expect somebody in her position to be so selfless and kind.

Some time passed and I was a couple days out from my first show.  Jen sent me a message wishing me luck on stage and gave me some tips for the last couple days.  I was blown away that she even remembered I was competing.

Fast-forward only six months later to the text Dan casually slipped me informing me that I would be shooting with Jen.  I set my phone down on my desk and looked out my window through my 'teenage-girl breakup' tears, thinking of where I started, how far I had come, and how truly lucky I was.

I don't think I had ever been more excited to crash diet in my entire life!  Bring on the cold fish and Tupperware, I was bulletproof. The next week I got to travel to NYC for work.  Yes I brought my fish, yes I ate it cold, and yes it was worth it.  Thank god for Quest bars!  I got to meet up with Craig, Amanda, Rodney, the rest of the Cellucor NYC team, and some clients in the city.  I got to train at CRUNCH! Being a huge 'A Night At The Roxbury' Fan, this was a dream come true!  Adam showed me a great time and I had a great first experience in NYC!  

Vitamin Shoppe NYC

A short couple weeks passed, and I was on a plane to LA! Call sheet in hand, I still couldn't believe that my name was even listed next to Jen's.  Dan also failed to mention that the amazing Robert Reiff, king of fitness magazine covers, was the photographer.  My hotel was amazing and the view made me never want to leave.  The fridge was so small that I had to remove the booze to make room for my meals! I made it work.  I met up with my friend Cyrus when I landed and trained at the Mecca!  It was great seeing a familiar face.  The next day I met up with Cyrus and did some light cardio and relaxed until it was time to meet up with Jen to get our diva on.  We got our spray tans and stopped for some food.  In a nutshell (Pun Intended), we basically just bought some fresh chocolate almond butter from whole foods and tried not eating it all the night before.

How to fall in love with LA:

The morning of the shoot, we finally figured out WHAT we were shooting for.  We were shooting a cover in the morning, and a series of workouts throughout the day.  The cover was for Muscle And Performance Magazine: Supplement Guide 2014 Annual Edition - A Vitamin Shoppe Exclusive Magazine.  The workouts would be used for various articles inside the magazine.  We had makeup and hair with Nancy Jambazian first thing in the morning.  On top of her being a total sweetheart, she's worked with all the famous fitness icons and many hollywood celebrities.  I can't thank her enough for doing such an awesome job, and being a such a trooper through the long day.  Working with Robert was a true honor.  I have noting but respect for him and his amazing work.  It was a real pleasure and I hope to be back to Magic Light some day. We shot for about 12 long hours and had a blast.  It really was one of those days that you didn't want to end.

After the shoot, we went out for an amazing dinner and destroyed some well-earned desserts!

The last duck face selfie before the pretty face came off!

Jen dropped me off at my hotel and my flight left in the morning.  It was Vegas all over again.  I was sitting on my couch in a quiet house staring at the wall wondering what I did to deserve this.  I just shot for the cover of a magazine with the girl that inspired me to change my life.  If there's anyone in this industry that deserves unparalleled success, it's Jen.  Maybe I did in fact work with her on this project, but I will always be a Jen Jewell fanboy.  I will always look up to her, always have a crush on her, and always continue to find motivation through her every day.  

Yeah... I got to play my game of horse, and I will never ever forget it. 

A few weeks later, the new Cellucor.com website launched.  This was almost too much to handle.  I was so excited to see the images from the shoot we did back in April!  Seeing the website live brought literal tears to my eyes.  Less than two years ago, I was a 148lb skinny fat kit who put a box on his head and danced around his room in an attempt win some free C4.  It almost goes without saying, but it will never go unsaid - I cannot begin to thank everyone at Cellucor, especially Dan, for continuing to change my life every single day.

Here it is!!

You can get your own copy at any Vitamin Shoppe at any time in 2014!

As we start 2014, I can't help but to think of where my head was at one year ago today.  These pictures were taken exactly one year apart.  January 2, 2013 - January 2, 2014.  I learned a lot in 2013.  Most importantly I learned that no dream is too big, if you're willing to work for it.

Your dreams are closer than you think. Reach out and grab them.

Oct 30, 2013

Tilted Target.

As most of you know, I just wrapped up my second competition of the year.  I wanted to give the WBFF a try because of the opportunities that stem from competing within the organization.  My goal with fitness isn't to beat the guy next to me in an attempt to prove that I'm in some way better than him.  What would I be better at?  Considering the NPC / IFBB physique category still has no criteria for judging, what does better even mean?  It certainly doesn't mean my legs are even visible!  My goal is to build a platform for motivation, create an image, and share knowledge of proper nutrition, supplementation, and training to people in need.  The WBFF seems like the best fit for my goals.

I've been getting A LOT of questions about nutrition going into a show like this.  To the general public, we eat a lot of food and we have these magical metabolisms that never stop! We pound protein shakes, beef, and eggs all day long while working out three times per day.  I'm going to do my best to explain my pre-contest nutrition without revealing what one would pay a lot of money for, in respect to my coach, Craig Capurso.
Craig Lifts
Before you enter a contest, you will determine your basic maintenance calories.  Maintenance calories are defined as the number of total calories per day that you consume to maintain your current weight.  A timeframe for a male fitness prep is usually 14-20 weeks, depending on starting body fat.  As you progress into your prep, your calories slowly decrease.  Depending on your body type, you will adjust carbs, proteins, and fats to achieve optimal fat burning, while trying to maintain as much muscle as possible. As you close in on the final weeks of prep, it's very common to see low carb depletion followed by a day or even entire week of high-carb loading.  As you "carb up," you will generally cut back on water to achieve a full, dry appearing physique.  This is obviously a very general description of a pre-contest diet.  There are MANY ways to come in looking great.

Two Days out
14 Weeks Out - Day One
Our flight left Thursday night.  This was only the second time I've had to travel with all my meals.  I really pushed the "two bags per person" rule with my suit, cooler, suitcase, and backpack.  We made it work.  I give a lot of respect to competitors, athletes, and models that travel and maintain proper nutrition.  It's far from easy.  I pre-weighed and portioned various proteins, carbs, and fats, so I was prepared for any last minute changes.  Because everyone asks, some foods I travel with are: flank steak, white potato, sweet potato, fish, chicken, hard boiled eggs, whey, oats, peanut butter, rice cakes, etc.  Yes, I eat the food cold if necessary.  Contest prep isn't about enjoying every meal you put down.  It's about ingesting nutrients.  When you compete, you think of food as fuel.  You eat certain foods because you have to, not necessarily because you enjoy them.

Cold Fish, Dry Oats, Cinnamon
We got in to LAX around midnight, grabbed a cab and headed for what we thought was beautiful LA. We pulled up to our hotel in the middle of Koreatown and basically said YOLO lets sleep.  Our fridge was about the size of a basketball, and the only american speaking establishment within walking distance was Ralph's: The local homeless shelter / grocery store.

No Caption Necessary
Seems nice

On Friday, we took a walk to the venue to see where we would be competing.  The theater was very nice, and had an old rustic vibe.  I think they call it "character" on HGTV.  We got our tans done at 8:00PM on Friday night after registration and a competitor meeting.  It was back to the hotel then up early to start eating!


We woke up early Saturday morning at about 3 AM to get a big meal in, then came back to the hotel to get some sleep.  We woke up, got another tan, and headed to the theater for pre-judging!

My original group (We were called out in groups of five) Trying to bring out the cinnabunz

Last shot before pre-judging

I came out of pre-judging in the first call out (top10) and knew I had to keep it tight if I wanted to do anything.  I was already holding A LOT of water and couldn't figure out why.  We think the travel may have had something to do with it.  We grabbed a burger and headed back to the hotel to rest before the night show.  For the night show, there is another round of judging in swimwear, and a fashion round.  I went with the layered wool... great choice.

Top 10

Third From the left - You can see the water retention in my stomach (Mirin Wisconsin Quads)

Sadly, I didn't make top5.  I'm certain it had plenty to do with my mid-section and the watery look.  I looked like a marshmallow! Under my personal circumstances for this prep, I have no reason to be upset.  I will leave these excuses between my coach and myself.  We battled some demons to say the least and even stepping on stage was an accomplishment in my book.  Making the top10 was icing on the cake.  Speaking of cake, look at that smile!  Back to Ralph's, no time to change out of that suit.

After being up all day, we crashed as soon as we finished our cake.  Well, I actually fell asleep before I finished mine!  Don't worry, I woke up at 3AM and ate it while I was sleeping, which freaked Tyler out.  We woke up Sunday, picked up a rental car, and headed far far away from Koreatown.  We went to Venice beach and had the opportunity to train at the Mecca of Bodybuilding: Golds Gym Venice with our boy Cyrus from Milwaukee!  He showed us a good time, and took us to the firehouse after for some good food!  Yes, I copped these amazing short shorts.

Ben, Tyler, Ryan, and Cryus in meathead heaven (Cyrus lifts)
The Mecca

Who wears mecca short shorts? Ben wears mecca short shorts! (Wisconsin squats)
Awesome menu at Firehouse!

We pulled an asian tourist move in Koreatown. Didn't even eat it.. just got a picture with it
After we showed Tyler the ocean for his first time, we went into Beverly Hills and had ourselves some eating disorder food.  SPRINKLES AND ICE CREAM.  Yes, that is a cupcake ATM on the left, and yes that is red velvet brownie ice cream chocolate chip heaven on the right.

It was my birthday Monday, so we celebrated at the airport by eating OATS! Man did I miss my oats.  After a few sketchy flights, we were home and I was ready for bed.

So you haven't cried yet, there hasn't been a deep, theatrical message secretly embedded in the text to tug on your heart, and I haven't taught you anything.  Did I even write this?  Let me start here.  My last blog post was about my lack of self confidence, friendships, support, life balance, and motivation.  How do you know if what you're doing is healthy?  Is success measured in personal gain, or is it measured in your ability to impact others.  I measure success in support.  There are times when even I find it hard to believe in myself.  When I get flooded with support, it brings out my best.  Because you believe in me, I gain confidence and start to believe in myself.  I could honestly tell you that even if I showed up to LA and took dead last, I would still be smiling. Let me show you why:

Thanks for the awesome picture of my FAVORITE little doggy, Sarah!

I want everyone to know that I read every comment, good and bad.  Every little word has a huge impact on my state of mind.  Although personal texts and emails aren't included, you know who you are, and I can't thank you enough.  This "sport" is pretty self diminishing if you ask me.  You train your heart out and diet like a crazy person for 12-20 weeks.  You travel, put on a spray tan, slap on some tight shorts, and flex on a stage while a panel of judges compares you to each-other and tells you whats wrong with you.  It takes a certain kind of person to deal with the scrutiny of competition.  Without these messages, phone calls, emails, Tweets, and Facebook posts, I would be dead in water.  There's really no other way to put it - Thank you.

Tilted Target

At the end of the day, it all comes back to Cellucor.  I don't know how else to explain that this isn't a company. Cellucor is a family that I am beyond lucky to be a part of.  From Robert, Colton, and Robert down in Bryan making sure I'm always stocked up on supplements... To Adam in NYC checking in and making sure I'm doing alright, motivating me, and showing lots of love on social... To Sabba up in Canada eh for the international support... To my Coach / Therapist Craig for making me eat fish and beans like they're going out of style, always being available to answer questions, and always telling me how it is, being an honest, good friend and role model... To Jen for her support, enthusiasm, and encouragement... To Karina for always talking me off the ledge, believing in me, and looking out for me... And then there was one.  BBD.  Big Brother Dan to this day is still the one person I can't seem to thank enough.  Dan is the glue that holds the Cellucor family together.  Since day one he's been there for me and helped me grow not only in the chest department, but as a person.  He was the first person I went to for advice when I got into working out, and he was the last person I talked to before I stepped on stage.  He's always giving me advice and pointing me in the right direction.  Not the right direction for Cellucor, the right direction for me.  He's helped me with business, he's helped my friends, and he's created the relationships I have with all of the amazing people listed above.  He's given me opportunities that most kids my age in this industry only dream of. To Dan, and everybody at Team Cellucor, thank you.

Well, thats a wrap.  Today marks two years from the first picture to the current.  I have a couple more things up my sleeve for 2013 that I can't wait to share with you.  After that, I'm going to spend a good amount of time trying to fix my poor metabolism, because eating 1,200 calories to lose weight isn't something I wish on anybody.  I want to thank Shelly for putting up with me, always lending a hand to help, and being my over the top number one fan - Love you mumma! (Although the dozens of cookies you decided to bake when I was 4, 3, 2, and one week out still blows my mind) Big thanks to my boy Tyler for making the trip out with us, Mike Short for the support that he doesn't want credit for, and HUGE shoutout to Ryan for killing it in his WBFF muscle model debut.  So proud of you for everything you accomplished man!

I've already hit the ground running and when I step on the next WBFF stage, it will be for a pro card. You can count on it.  See you in 2014.